Puppy In My Pocket Fanon Wiki

Princess Lola

Princess Lola is the ruler of War Kingdom and Princess Ava's cousin. She is skilled with a sword, but often prefers to use her War Heart to fire torpedoes, drop bombs, and shoot lasers at her enemies. Her sister, Princess Melissa, wears the Peaceful Friendship and is always begging her sister to stop her evil ways.

She has a crush on Prince Zoldine.



Lola: "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" Version

Lola in Super Smash Bros Brawl version
Appearance White fur, peach skin, brown hair with a blonde streak, and yellow eyes.
Outfit A short purple dress, brown elbow gloves, and white shoes. She wears the Friendship Triforce (previously known as the War Heart) on a chain around her neck.
Weapons Sword and shield
Powers Flying Sword (does fifty percent damage) Sword Smash (does seventy percent), Berserk Sword (does sixty percent), and Dancing Sword (does eighty percent damage).
Final Smash

Friendship Triforce

She uses her magical jewel to trap everyone inside the Triforce symbol so she can strike them as much as she pleases (does three hundred percent damage).

